Educational travels of the exhibition "She is science" in October

The exposition "She is science" travels to Ukraine! Our exhibition opens in libraries, schools, universities, educational centers and museums. We are grateful to all the organizers for their interest to our initiative.
Institutions that held exhibitions "Science is it" in October: Sozonov Lyceum, Lutsk City Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity for Students, KMDSH, Technological Multidisciplinary Lyceum. A. Mazura, Zaporizhzhya gymnasium № 6, Buryn specialized school of I-III degrees №1 named after V.M. Kravchenko, 24 Gymnasium of Vinnytsia City Council, Central Children's Library in Kharkiv, Children's Library 40, Odessa, National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Chyhyryn".
We hope that the stories of 12 Ukrainian science stars will inspire schoolchildren to explore the world and develop their talents!
Also, a bright exhibition was opened at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University as part of the HeForShe University Tour project from our partners UN Women Ukraine.
Modern portraits of Ukrainian scientists decorate the walls of the Museum of Science of Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
We are also pleased to announce that in October the Interactive Exhibition "She is science" moved to the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth.
In addition to the achievements of Ukrainian scientists, the exhibition presents the inventions of women from around the world. The interactive exhibition will not leave anyone indifferent, because all the exhibits can be touched! Like the world of technology and science, they will change and be supplemented by photos and stories about the achievements and modern inventions of Ukrainian and world scientists. The exhibition will be held in the palace on a permanent basis.
STEM is FEM is implementing the educational art project "She is science" with the support of UN Women Ukraine and the UN Children's Fund in Ukraine (UNICEF) as part of the global UN Women "Generation of Equality" campaign.