STEM is FEM winner is one of the five students in Rivne region who received 200 points in External independent evaluation

Sofia Khondoka is one of the five students from Rivne region who received the maximum number of points in the external independent evaluation.
Переможниця STEM is FEM одна з п'STEM is FEM winner is one of the five students in Rivne region who received 200 points in External independent evaluationяти учнів Рівненської області, які отримали 200 балів на ЗНО

The winner of STEM is FEM is one of the five students in Rivne region who received 200 points in the external independent evaluation. This was reported by Volodymyrets.City.

Sofia Khondoka, the winner of the first project module on Biotechnology, has received 200 points for the EIT in Biology. There are only three such students in the region. The girl has several times won profile competitions and Olympiads.

Congratulations to Sofia on another victory! We expect new exciting achievements from the STEM is FEM participants.