Mariia Scherban

My name is Mariia.
I am 16. I'm from Zaporizhia and study in the eleventh grade with an intensive mathematics course at the gymnasium №107. Before my tenth grade, I had been studying English, so I speak two foreign languages, English and German. I have graduated from the English Access Microscholarship Program Program sponsored by the US Embassy. Since my seventh grade, I have been participating in IT-competitions and have already won several regional prizes. At school, I get excellent results, and that is rather difficult. Yet, that is inspiring – the acquired knowledge is already used when participating in various projects. I have already participated in the following programs, namely MediaCamp, 14:35 Bohdan Havrylyshyn Fund. I also volunteered at Access Alumni Summits during the International IT forum 2018 (it was very informative to see such a grand event from the inside). In the future, I am planning to connect my career with IT.
I am a volunteer at the Impulse.UA Charity Fund. Thanks to the Fund, I became actively involved in various projects and fortunately came across STEM is FEM. The project has added motivation and given a strong impetus to self-develop.