STEM is FEM is the first STEM ecosystem in Ukraine, which brings together organizations, people, and ideas interacting to promote education and careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM is FEM is an Honorary Ambassador of Ukraine in the field of scientific-educational diplomacy from MFA Ukraine and a member of the UN Global Compact, the largest global community of businesses and organizations working in accordance with ESG principles.

The goal of the STEM ecosystem is to provide equal access to lifelong learning and opportunities in STEM and to create a more inclusive and diverse community capable of solving the complex challenges of today's world.

The STEM ecosystem includes:

  • the STEM is FEM community
  • STEM is FEM Alumni club
  • STEM teacher platform
  • community of mentors and advisors
  • partnerships with educational institutions, businesses, and the state

The STEM is FEM community is a supportive environment for young Ukrainian women who aspire to develop in STEM fields. We invite girls aged 14 to 22 to fill out the registration form and join the community HERE!

The STEM is FEM Alumni Club is a community for young professionals who already have a job in the STEM field but want to continue to develop and help others grow. If you are 23+, already working, and looking for a like-minded person, support and opportunities for development, then you can join HERE!

The STEM is FEM Teacher Platform is a network of teachers and administrators of secondary, technical and higher education institutions specializing in STEM. You don't learn to understand mathematics, physics, and biology better here. Here, you can learn modern methods and tools, digitize teaching methods, and learn how to work with emotional intelligence. Join HERE!

STEM is FEM mentors are experienced STEM and business professionals, government officials, and public figures who help community members in their development. They provide one-time or regular consultations according to the requests and needs of the participant. Helping them on their STEM journey from education to career. Become a mentor HERE!

"Memorial: participation of citizens in making urban decisions" was created in the final discussion "Rebuilding Ukraine: how to make the community comfortable for everyone" at the Docudays UA International Documentary Film Festival on human rights.

The educational series "Urbanistics" from the STEM is FEM project can be viewed on the Diia.Osvita portal.

The podcast from the STEM is FEM project and the Speka.Media portal "Science: Women's Voices" about outstanding women in science can be listened to HERE!

Subscribe to our pages on social networks so as not to miss new initiatives, courses, and contests!

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STEM is FEM joins the UN Global Compact

The educational project STEM is FEM has become a participant of the UN Global Compact, the world's largest community of businesses operating according to ESG standards.

STEM is FEM presented reconstruction projects and awarded participants of the "Urbanistics" course

Reconstruction projects for war-torn locations in three Ukrainian cities were presented in Kyiv. All the works were created by girls aged 15-22 — participants of the "Urbanistics" educational course, which the public organization STEM is FEM implemented within the framework of the USAID “UNITY” (Mriemo ta diemo) program in partnership with IREX.

"She is science" opened at Boryspil International Airport

From February 1 to 14, all passengers of Boryspil International Airport will be able to see bright portraits of scientists and learn about them from the essays of the winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of creative works.

«She is science» won the NYUKH 2021 award from the media project «Zaborona»

The educational art project «She is science» became one of the main change makers of the year and received the NYUKH 2021 award.

The qualifying competition for the module "Cosmetic Industry" has officially started!

STEM is FEM has announced the start of the competition for the fourteenth educational module "Cosmetics Industry", which will take place on 19 - 20 February.