Olena Tsymbaliuk

Chief Architect at UNIT.City. Industry speaker at the Architecture and Construction module
Olena Tsymbaliuk

Olena Tsymbaliuk is the chief architect of the innovative city Unit.city.

She defended her Master's degree at KNUBA in the specialty Architect of buildings and structures. Since 2010, she has been attracting foreign architects to the Ukrainian architectural world through Canactions festival and through holding Ukrainian architectural competitions conducted by Kyiv city administration and private customers. The project portfolio includes full project support from the architectural competition to the project implementation by a foreign designer in Ukraine. These projects helped Olena to introduce the local Ukrainian architectural community to foreign architects and to attract foreigners to projects in Ukraine, thus improve the quality of architecture and architectural practice in Ukraine.

Olena graduated from the Small and Medium Entrepreneurship School at Unit.City and develops projects using the economic impact of the project at all stages.