Iryna Stavchuk

Iryna Stavchuk is Deputy Minister of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine. She graduated with honors from the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Computer Ecological and Economic Monitoring. She received her second higher education in Sweden in The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics with a degree in Ecology Management and Policy.
For more than 10 years, Iryna worked at the National Environmental Center of Ukraine and coordinated work related to the development and implementation of climate protection policy in Ukraine, participated in the UN international negotiations on climate change. She founded and chaired the NGO Kyiv Cyclists' Association. Prior to her appointment to the Ministry in 2019, Iryna worked as Executive Director of the Center for Environmental Initiatives Ecoaction. She also worked as a legal observer on the Board of Directors of the World Bank's Clean Technology Fund, Coordinator of the Climate Action Network in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.