Media about us

17 April 2020

INTERFAX-UKRAINE: The Ministry of Social Policy Motivates Schoolgirls to Choose STEM Specialties

INTERFAX-UKRAINE: Reinvent the wheel, think critically, strive to change the world and choose everything in your life according to your own needs - such advice was given by Tatyana Salnikova, Deputy Minister for European integration in the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine, to Ukrainian school students that participated in the STEM is FEM educational project. To motivate the girls, the Deputy Minister told them her own success story. [Ukr.]

17 April 2020

MY.NEWS: Megan Bouldin: 'There Are More Positions in the STEM Industry Than Men Can Hold'

MY.NEWS: Speaking at STEM is FEM, a charity educational event for Ukrainian schoolgirls, Megan Boulden, Foreign Service Economic Officer in USA Embassy in Ukraine, stressed the need to bridge the gender gap in tech industry in Ukraine. [Ukr.]

16 April 2020

SUSPILNE ZAPORIZHIA: Morning Guest Maria Scherban (16.04.220)

SUSPILNE ZAPORIZHIA: Maria Shcherban, the Grand Prix winner of the educational module on robotics and engineering of the STEM IS FEM project, had an inverview via video connection. We talked about participating in a project that is aimed to encourage girls and women to choose science, mathematics, engineering and technology to realize their ideas and ambitions. [Video. Ukr.]

16 April 2020

MINISTRY OF SOCIAL POLICY: The Ministry of Social Policy Encourages School Students to Choose for STEM Education That Covers Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

MINISTRY OF SOCIAL POLICY: The charity educational project STEM is FEM held the fourth module on Robotics and Engineering. The goal of the project is to motivate girls to choose a STEM-related career. In the future, it will create conditions for expanding their economic opportunities. [Ukr.]

15 April 2020

UA24Pro: Barbora Maronkova: Gender Stereotypes Were Created Artificially

UA24Pro: Barbora Maronkova, Director of the NATO Information and Documentation Center in Ukraine, spoke at the online module of the STEM is FEM charity education project. [Ukr.]

15 April 2020

CHANNEL 24: Barbora Maronkova: Gender Stereotypes Were Created Artificially

CHANNEL 24: Barbora Maronkova, Director of NATO Information and Documentation Centre Kyiv, spoke at the online module of the STEM is FEM charity education project. [Rus. and Ukr.]

15 April 2020

DEPO.UA: Nadiia Vasylieva at STEM is FEM: When the Quarantine Is Over, We Will Be in an Absolutely Another World

DEPO.UA: 'If you don't start learning something new during five months, in the modern world, you immediately lose your level of proficiency,' said Nadiia Vasylieva, Deputy Director General for Digitalization and Innovation of the state concern Ukroboronrpom. [Ukr.]

10 April 2020

UNN: The STEM is FEM winner to Receive a Robotics Construction Kit and a Postponed Surprise Trip

UNN: The prize of the fourth module of the STEM is FEM project on robotics and engineering, which will take place this weekend, will be a construction kit for creating your own robot and a surprise trip. [Ukr.]

10 April 2020

FAKTY: STEM is FEM Online: The Winner to Create Her Own Robot

FAKTY: The prizes of the final competition of the STEM is FEM online module on robotics will be a postponed trip to an international industry event and a construction kit to create a robot. [Ukr.]