Media about us

17 May 2020

FAKTY: Video: The Winner of the Stem Is Fem Module on "Engineering and Robotics" Veronica Podlesnova

FAKTY: Video: the winner of the STEM is FEM module on "Engineering and Robotics" Veronica Podlesnova in a news block Fakty. Tyzhden (Ukr. "Week") [Ukr.]

17 May 2020

MOI-NIKOPOL.ONLINE: A 16-Year-Old Schoolgirl Created a Model of an Assistant Robot for Doctors in Dnipro

MOI-NIKOPOL.ONLINE: The girl showed her project at the online competition of innovative design at STEM IS FEM and took second place. [Rus.]

16 May 2020

DNIPRO NEWS: A 16-Year-Old Schoolgirl Created a Model of an Assistant Robot for Doctors in Dnipro

DNIPRO NEWS: The girl showed her project at the online competition of innovative design at STEM IS FEM and took second place. [Rus.]

16 May 2020

CHANNEL 34: In Dnipro, a 16-Year-Old Schoolgirl Created a Model of a Robot Assistant for Doctors

CHANNEL 34: Machines instead of people. According to the girl, in the future her robot will help reduce the contact of doctors with patients. It will move along certain coordinates, go with the help of wheels and engine. [Ukr.]

12 May 2020

TOPNEWS.ZP: How a Zaporizhian Schoolgirl, an Inventor of a Disinfection Robot, "Pushes the Boundaries"

TOPNEWS.ZP: The news that a 17-year-old schoolgirl from Zaporizhia Maria Shcherban won the Grand Prix of the STEM is FEM project for creating a model of a disifection robot went viral on the Internet. [Ukr.]

12 May 2020

КП в Украине: Школьница из Днепра придумала робота, который KP IN UKRAINE: A Schoolgirl From Dnipro Invented a Robot to Help Doctors Reduce Contact With People Infected With Coronavirus медикам уменьшить контакт с зараженными коронавирусом

KP IN UKRAINE: In Dnipro, a 16-year schoolchildren Veronika Podlesnova has created a concept of a medical assistant robot that can help with junior medical worker functions. The invention can carry in and out food and medicine to wards with patients infected with coronavirus. [Video. Ukr.]

12 May 2020

DNEPR NEWS: A Schoolgirl From Dnipro Invented a Robot to Help Doctors Reduce Contact With People Infected With Coronavirus

DneprNews: In Dnipro, a 16-year schoolchildren Veronika Podlesnova has created a concept of a medical assistant robot that can help with junior medical worker functions. The invention can carry in and out food and medicine to wards with patients infected with coronavirus. [Rus.]

12 May 2020

MIG: How a Zaporizhian Schoolgirl, an Inventor of a Disinfection Robot, "Pushes the Boundaries"

MIG: The news that a 17-year-old schoolgirl from Zaporizhia Maria Shcherban won the Grand Prix of the STEM is FEM project for creating a model of a disifection robot went viral on the Internet. Many wondered whether it would be possible to see this "creature" in real life any soon and how the electronic virus fighter would work. [Ukr.]

11 May 2020

DNIPRO TV: Quarantine in Dnipro | Young Inventor

DNIPRO TV: 16-year-old schoolgirl from Dnipro Veronika Podlesnova took second place in STEM IS FEM, an online competition for innovative design. [Ukr.]