Oksana Piven

Molecular biology researcher. Industry speaker at the Biotechnology module
Oksana Piven

Oksana is a senior scientist in the human genetics department, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics in Ukraine. After graduating from Melitopol State Institute, she worked in a herpetology laboratory, and that helped her determine her interests and directions for her future career. After that, Oksana postgraduated at The Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of NASU. Internships: International Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology Warsaw (Poland), Max-Planck-Institute for Heart and Lung Research (Germany), University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (USA). The main scientific topics of Oksana's interest are exploring a heart, the functions of individual genes, the participation of signaling systems in regulating the heart metabolism during physical activity and aging; cardiac regeneration and possible approaches to improve myocardial function after a heart attack. Oksana investigates the possibilities of CRISPR-Cas9 for cardiomyogenic reprogramming of fibroblasts in the area of ​​myocardial involvement. Oksana regularly writes articles to promote science and technology for Kunsht, Expres.online, and other online resources.