An interesting meeting of the literary club LitMINT was held online in November

Reading books is great, and discussing them in the company of like-minded people is even better! In November, an interesting and informative meeting of the literary club LitMINT was held online. The members of the meeting discussed the novel "Detective Agency Dirk Gently" by Douglas Adams.
The protagonist of the book is a holistic detective Gently, who has extraordinary abilities and investigates the mysterious crimes of the present and past.
The expert of the event would be Iryna Yegorchenko, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a senior researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences, author of more than 50 scientific papers and more than 50 articles in the media, active promoter of science and STEM education. Ms. Yegorchenko is also a member of the STEM is FEM expert council.
All the participants enjoyed the meeting and interesting discussion with the expert.
STEM is FEM is implementing the LitMINT project together with the Goethe-Institut Ukraine, Bukmol and the TeenSide.